Love Creates Love campaign
I am very lucky to be part of a bigger network of baby massage teachers and we share a common message under the mantra 'Love Creates Love', meaning that by loving oneself we are then more able to love others and create happier and healthier communities, we apply this to parenthood and highlight the importance of valuing and celebrating mums and dads, helping them to look after themselves to be the best version of themselves for them, their babies and others. We offer voluntary groups to spread these messages and give a bit of TLC for families with babies.
In my local community, I like visiting Fresh Ground Coffee House, an initiative from Eltham Green Community Church. It is a child friendly café offering not only great drinks and food, but a variety of events bringing people together. They were supportive of the ‘Love Creates Love’ campaign so kindly will provide the space to run the sessions.
‘Love Creates Love’ meet ups are designed to give parents with babies some time to relax and space to connect with others in the area. There will be a free baby massage workshop at the end and special guests to give information and support about wellbeing. How does that sound? Would you like to take part? Book yourself a seat and breathe…
If you are a local business or professional who supports mums and dads wellbeing, I would love to hear from you! I am looking for my next lineup of guests to join me.