Mums on board workshop
Mums on board workshop
Mums on Board is a monthly workshop, ideal experience and meet up for mums-to-be. This is the ideal gift for someone on their third trimester of pregnancy to start the new adventure confidently. We have created a space for mums to be to relax, learn and share. They will get an insight about the first weeks with baby, spend some well deserved 'me-time', letting go of worries in a safe space.
This workshop is valued packed, for mums to be to go away with a new toolkit of things they could apply when baby arrives and ways to look after themselves.
Workshops run monthly, 7.15pm to 8.30pm at Greenwich Pilates Market Studios, Durnford Street 18-23 Greenwich Market SE10 9HZ.
Dates in 2019 - TBC
Access via Durnford Street from the West entrance to the Greenwich covered market.
The Team
Kathie from Canedah will support mums to be emotionally, helping to release stress, anxiety and pain (she is a physiotherapist and cranial osteopath specialised in pregnancy and babies).
Sandy from kin2Skin will share information about the fourth trimester, baby massage and how to nurture mum and baby.