Baby massage in a group 9th Dec 2018

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-02 at 1.25.04 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2018-11-02 at 1.25.04 PM.jpeg

Baby massage in a group 9th Dec 2018


Ideal experience for babies two months to pre-crawlers. Mums, dads or main caregivers welcome.

Massage is a wonderful and special gift you can share with your baby. Touch is your baby’s most developed sense at birth and through it you can communicate love, security and trust. Baby massage can help you to understand your baby’s cues and develop your ability to listen and respond through the creation of a special time together.

This experience includes a one hour workshop as part of your Christmas party with friends and their babies.

Sunday 9th December 2018

3.30 - 4.30 pm

Coconut oil and laminated handouts for parents included.

Price is per family, no extra cost for twins.

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The session will last one hour, there will be an intro and some info, and of course massage practice. I add on rhymes and songs to make it more fun and easier to remember. By the end of the experience, you will know a baby massage sequence in different parts of the body of your baby and you will be able to keep practicing at home. We will talk about the benefits of nurturing touch and how your loving touch can support your baby’s development.

Classes are baby led, relaxed, friendly and fun!

You will get to learn and relax.


This is a quick checklist of what you need, it is very simple: 

- Be ready to relax and enjoy the moment ;-) 

- Wear comfy clothes as we will be sitting on the floor

- A blanket to put over a yoga mat on the floor so that baby can lay there (yoga mats will be available but its nicer to put baby's cosy well-known blanket on top of the mat) 

- An extra blanket to cover baby in case he/she gets cold (the room will be warm but just in case)

- And of course, whatever you carry for baby when you go out (e.g. nappies, food, etc.)

I will bring demo dolls, music, handouts for you and oil. There will also be some cushions in case you need support when sitting. 


At Victoria Part Community Centre, 5 Gore Road, E9 7HR

(whole party is 2.30pm - 5.30pm, the baby massage workshop will be 3.30 - 4.30pm)